Help Stop the Kinsey Institute


Sign our letter to world leaders.



Urge others to co-sign our letter.



Read and share our Kinsey Brief.



Review Sex Ed curriculum.

Societies have always put restrictions on harmful sexual activities, including such things as pedophilia, bestiality, and others that mental health professionals worldwide recognize as abnormal disorders.  It is one thing to document that various abnormal behaviors exist; it is another thing to claim, as Alfred Kinsey did, that since these behaviors are being practiced by some people, they are, therefore, “normal” and healthy.

Since its founding, the Kinsey Institute has been a strong advocate for legalizing and mainstreaming what are still recognized as abnormal sexual behaviors in society. However, they have largely left the effort to indoctrinate the world’s children in their sexual ideologies to other like minded organizations that have adopted their philosophical approach, primarily the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS) and Planned Parenthood.

The Kinsey Institute’s research and sexual advocacy work has contributed directly to the repeal of numerous laws protecting women and children in the United States.  Kinsey’s testimony and research have been credited with helping convince state legislatures across the U.S. to reduce penalties for abortion, rape, statutory rape, seduction, prostitution, wife and child battery, sodomy, bestiality, indecent exposure, incest, bigamy, nudity, obscenity, adultery, fornication, adult-child sex, illicit cohabitation, pornography, and more.

Through years of guarded planning, the Kinsey Institute and like-minded sexual activists have been subtly working themselves into key positions of authority, enabling them to promote  their radical sexual ideologies.  The UN accreditation of the Kinsey Institute on April 23rd is one more dramatic advance of their sexual agenda.

Now is the time for responsible citizens of the world to take action.  It is up to us to inform our governments and key decision makers of the harm wrought by the sexual ideologies and pseudo research of Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute. We can no longer allow their efforts to promote their radical sexual agenda to go unanswered.  We must work to protect  the education, moral code and laws protecting children and society.